Trinity Lutheran Church and School

Faithful Generations

Established 1874

150th Anniversary Events

Feb 9

Silent Disco

Fun for all ages. 6-9 p.m. Food, fellowship, dancing and games.

July 21

Outdoor Service

Outdoor worship service celebrating our actual anniversary weekend followed by a picnic lunch.

Aug 25

Mudhen’s Outing

A great outing with food and prime seating in the Roost at Fifth Third Field. Ticket reservations.

Nov 3

Celebration Banquet

A time to dine and reflect on the work the Lord has done for and through us over the years.

3rd Sunday

Guest Preachers

Previous pastors and sons of the congregation are joining us in our pulpit to help us reflect on and receive God’s work for us!


Loving God and People

Looking back can be fun but looking forward and looking out for one another and the people around us is what we are all about.

Anniversary Logo

This logo has been designed to mark our year the Trinity symbol surrounds Luther’s Rose and 15 rays representing 15 decades of God’s faithfulness for Trinity make up the background.

Anniversary Hymn

Pastor Kleimola and Mr. Anderson wrote this hymn to mark this year’s occasion.

Photo Archives

Coming soon. Take a look at this collection of photos from Trinity’s history.

History of the Congregation

Coming Soon. Check back for a copy of our congregation’s history.